
How To Draw Batman Fighting

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice isn't the most popular DCEU film or superhero film in general. But despite its errors, it still gave the audience what it wanted for a long time — a battle between Superman and Batman, portrayed in a live-action movie, not just in animated films and TV shows.

Batman mistakenly believed that Superman presented too much of a threat and was plotting to take Superman down, only to team up with him against a bigger mutual enemy. The film included many memorable moments, so it's no wonder that fans took to drawing fan arts inspired by it. Here are ten heroic Batman V Superman fan art pictures we adore.

10 Dangerous Batman

Batman may not have actual superpowers like Superman but that doesn't mean he's helpless, not by a long shot. There's his variety of gadgets he uses to fight crime, his extensive knowledge of martial arts, and, of course, his intelligence. But Batman also possesses a singular determination that makes him a dangerous opponent to anyone who would be foolish enough to cross him. Batman looks positively fierce and ready to take Superman down in this fan art by quickdraw13.

9 Batfleck Character Studies

Whether you've liked Ben Affleck's portrayal of Bruce Wayne and Batman, there's no denying that this Batman was much different from his predecessors. In a way, he was darker, since he was killing criminals and maiming them and he didn't bother to hide it. When Affleck's costume was revealed, fans were naturally intrigued by its complex designs and did some wonderful character studies. One of the best is by quickdraw13 who portrayed multiple poses of the Batfleck.

8 Different Faces, Still Enemies

And the award for the most original fan art goes to... Everybody who watched the film knows how the final confrontation between Superman and Batman looked like. But what would it be like if they weren't an alien and a human, but dogs? It may seem like a strange question but that's exactly what dailynapkins portrayed in this tension-filled, and somehow still cute fan art. The attention paid to the details of both of their faces as well as the costumes is admirable.

7 Serious Superman

Batman isn't the only one who looked very serious in the film and could almost be called grim. Superman also didn't have the best of times since the people largely turned against him and many blamed him for the destruction of Metropolis.

His grim mood is well reflected in this fan art by filipeartwork. Superman may not be a human but he was raised as one and he experiences human emotions as well, no matter what his enemies might think.

6 Conflict In Color

It's time to bring a bit of color to this fan art list. Even though Batman v Superman may not have had the best reviews and the critics mostly panned it, fans continue to create fan-arts of the film even a few years after its premiere so it certainly left an impression on them. In this fan art, Superman and Batman are fighting, and despite the cheery colors chosen for the drawing done by art_theourlando, they don't look particularly happy which won't come as a surprise.

5 Intense Gaze

This fan art by bat.of.gotham39 gives a whole new meaning to the words 'intense gaze'. After all, Batman looks like he's trying to learn Superman's most secret thoughts, to see into his head, and Superman has apparently had enough, judging by his expression. A similar scene appeared in posters for the film and it's somehow even more impressive as fan art, especially when one realizes how long it must have taken to get the expressions and costumes just right.

4 Victorious Batman

It's likely that even many comic book fans weren't convinced that Batman would manage to defeat Superman before Batman V Superman premiered. Let alone people who don't read the comics and never saw Batman fight, Superman, before.

Still, despite the fact that Batman has a clear disadvantage in the fight, he was able to hold his ground and would have defeated Superman, possibly killed him, if it wasn't for the now iconic 'Save Martha!' moment. achintya.venkatesh captured one of the film's defining moments in her fan art.

3 Game Over

There are many ways how Superman could have beaten Batman in Batman V Superman but he underestimated the caped crusader, his intelligence, and determination to win. Batman took a beating from Superman but he was still able to win in the end by using Kryptonite against Superman. Maybe it was fighting dirty when he shot Kryptonite at Superman, but it did the trick. He could have also chosen a different approach, as seen in this fan art by Patrick Brown, and injected Kryptonite into Superman's body.

2 What Makes A Man

When they started fighting, Batman saw Superman as nothing more than an alien threat. He wasn't a person in Batman's eyes, just a creature that brought doom to Metropolis. It took a while and Batman almost killed Superman beforehand, but he was eventually able to realize that the alien was also a man who had a mother who would miss him if he died. _simondraws shows that Batman didn't see Superman as a man at first, but luckily, he changed his mind in the end.

1 Wonder Woman

Finally, it's time to give a bit of space to Wonder Woman who played a smaller but significant part in Batman V Superman and joined the two superheroes for the final fight against Doomsday. While Batman and Superman both seemed impressed by Doomsday, Diana just calmly noted that she killed things from other worlds before, proving once again what a real badass she is. whatshisfacedraws brings us back to this scene and Diana's courage is visible in her face.

NEXT: 10 Hilarious DC Fan-Art Photos That Would Even Make Batman Laugh

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About The Author

Kath Leroy (523 Articles Published)

Kath Leroy is a writer at Screen Rant. She also publishes in a number of Czech magazines. She works as an actress and appeared in feature films, short films, as well as TV series. Kath has loved movies, TV, and literature ever since she was a child and her father first played Star Trek for her. Since she has a background in writing genre fiction and screenplays, Kath enjoys fantasy, sci-fi, and superhero films and shows above all - however, she likes to watch films of all genres. Visit Kath Leroy's blog for her articles about culture, acting life as well as other topics, follow her on Twitter and on Instagram as @girlartistgeek or contact her directly at

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How To Draw Batman Fighting


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